I've been asked for prints of this artwork and I thought I'd gift them to those who are interested.
"Flora Grows Cos Lettuce" Cheralyn Darcey 2020
watercolour, pen, white ink, pencil on paper
Click on the image above to download a full sized image
It is copyright protected, can be downloaded and printed for personal use only and may not be altered.
This post and social media posts can be shared and the image can be shared online with full credit to Cheralyn Darcey.
(Lactuca sativa)
This vegetable will help you find fulfilment in many areas of your life. It will help you overcome challenges and find new ways to obtain financial gain or recovery. Cos Lettuce helps us get better physically and emotionally and so asks that we watch the way we are caring for ourselves and to be careful about what it is we are focused on.
Usually planted in spring or autumn in most areas or late winter through to mid spring in cold zones. Before sowing, lay on wet paper towels and refrigerate for two days before sowing. Keep well-watered once sown or seedlings are planted out. Lettuce grow best in full sun with an open soil that is rich and kept moist. Although all are annuals, many types are ‘cut and come again’ so can be harvested as they grow until the end of their season.
Uses: lust, renewal, recovery, love, fertility, desire
Deities: Venus, Min
Celestial: The Moon
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Renew your skin and boost your desirability while bring what you desire closer.
Gather 2 tablespoons finely shredded lettuce, 1 teaspoon of corn flour, 1 tablespoon of rolled oats, 1 tablespoon of dried milk, 1 tablespoon fine powered clay and 1 drop of rose oil.
Place in a red bowl and mix together while visualising what it is you desire. Pat onto a clean face, leave for 30 mins then rinse off.