My first Sunflower of the season!
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) will assist you in finding happiness and focusing on it. Sunflower will also support those who require additional strength and resolution at the moment. Self-esteem boost.
Language of Flowers Oracle:
A turn in fortune is indicated and a chance to mend matters of the heart as well. Friends could be very helpful and projects which require groups who are in some way connected through friendship or a mutual passion for the subject are also indicated.
Masculine and patriarchal connections are very strong when any Sunflower is showing it's energies to you.
Flower Lore:
Many myths, legends and stories (early references outside of the Americas) which speak of the sunflower are actually speaking of other flowers (such as marigold) which are also Heliotropic (follow the sun) although, Helianthus annuus is not truly Heliotropic. Young plants do follow the sun in their development but once the flower blooms, you will find they forever face the rising sun direction.
The Incas worshiped the Sunflower and it is believed this is because they found magick in it's geometry. Indications of sunflower are found in abundance in their temples and spiritual artworks.
It is said that if you wish to find the truth in a situation, you can sleep with a fresh sunflower under your pillow or bed and it will come to you.
Pick a sunflower right at sunset and make a wish to have out granted before the sun goes down the following day.
Gardening Notes:
Depicted in this card is a Wild Sunflower which is distinguished from it's domesticated sibling by it's branched stem and multiple flower heads. If you do obtain seeds from a Wild Sunflower, growing notes are the same.Although they will grow in part shade you really will do best planting them out in a full sun position with a loamy soil.
Plant your seeds after the danger of frost has passed in early Spring. I plant every 4 weeks a few times over so I have a summer full of sunflowers. Feed every few weeks.
bunches of love,
Cheralyn🌻 xx
card: the Language of Flowers @rockpoolpublishing @weiserbooks