Flora Danica [G.C. Oeder et al], fasicle 20, t. 1176 (1761-1883)
Oracle Meanings
Step back and observe because you are being giving the opportunity to find pathways to the freedom you desire. Meditation, divination and visionary practices will help you find and explore major themes right now. You are being reminded to take heed of an intuitive experience or message that you may of either ignored or not really understood. Now, today, is the time to trust what you feel inside, what you know to be your personal truth and take the road to freedoms it will offer. Remember, what is right for others will not necessarily be right for you. Listen to your own heart.
Magickal Correspondences
Uses: clairvoyance, exorcism, divination, healing, lust, psychic powers, protection
Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Artemis, Diana, Hecate, Persephone, Sif, Audhumla
Planet: Venus
Signs: Libra, Taurus
Elements: Earth
Lobel, M. de, Plantarum seu stirpium icones, vol. 1: p. 764, fig. 2 (1581)
Mugwort Freedom Spell
Mugwort is mostly used in visionary work and can be used to improve psychic abilities and to enhance dreams and visions. Hung over doorways, it will repel evil and negativity. Mugwort can be made into a very effective wash to smudge magical divination tools such as crystal balls, pendulums and scrying mirrors. The smoke can also be used to empower oracle and tarot decks. In this spell you will be drinking a little Mugwort as part of a spell. Mugwort was used originally to flavour beers.
a glass of beer
or sparkling spring water
a tiny pinch of dried Mugwort
a slice of lemon or lime
Take your glass of beer/sparkling spring water outside and stir in a mugwort and say,
“Freedom and paths open for me.”
Drop in the slice of lemon or lime and say,
“Alive and awaken and away I shall be!”
Drink the beer/sparking spring water and drip the last few drops onto the ground and say,
“This is the start, the journey begun.”
Spellcasting Basics
1. Select or create your spell.
This can be a spell in this book or you could write your own.
2. Gather your ingredients.
Ensure that you have everything ready and that it has been sourced ethically and
with positive intention. Cleanse any tools or items by passing through running
water or a smudging smoke.
3. Create a magickal and safe space.
Limit distractions and cleanse by smudging with sage or the like or misting with
botanicals created for this purpose. If indoors, open windows and doors to let
negative energy out. Sit or stand, centred and quiet and visualise a white, clear
bubble surrounding you and your space and keeping anything negative out.
4. Focus.
Some call this part of spellcasting intention and it is your complete commitment to
the energy and the outcome that you desire. Focus will assist you to keep
your energy and your everyday commitment to the change that you are trying to
achieve. Spells do not work on their own, they need your energy, focus and action.
Think about what you are doing and hone your focus as sharply as possible on your
desired outcome.
5. Raise the Energy.
Focus will raise energy, as will the actual steps of each spell whether it be an incantation you make or a musical sound or action you create. You may wish to raise additional energy to begin with and this can be done by ringing bells, beating drums, raising your hands, singing or simply visualising energy rising from the ground, from above, from wherever your preference is and working with it.
6. Cast your spell.
Follow the instructions in the spell that you are casting.
7. Close your magick space.
Thank the earth, thank the plants you have used and close the space. You can do this by making noise and visualising the closing of the space. Clapping hands, stamping feet, beating drums, are all popular ways of doing this. Have a glass of water to bring yourself back to the now and ensure you cleanse any tools you have used and that you return to earth any botanical items used.
8. Journal.
Whether it be a journal, a diary, a book of shadows, a grimoire, however you wish to contain your notes and experiences, I do suggest that you write your spell down along with your personal notes somewhere and that you add to them over time. This helps give the spell more energy and you more focus.