Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula)
If you want to attract love, it may seem a little strange but a Venus Fly Trap really is a pretty good ally. The plant works by retaining good energy or 'entwining' energy that comes your way. It is also a protective plant as it scares of negative energy.
I'm often encouraging others to look not only at the common names of flowers and plants but also at the latin names as they contain clues to meanings as well. Dionaea comes to us from Dione, mother of Aphrodite. I find it interesting that some stories tell us that Aphrodite arose from a giant clam shell (which it was a Venus Fly Trap looks like!) and that others tell us that she was the daughter of Dione and Zeus.
Venus Fly Traps originated from the East Coast of Northern America and are a popular indoor plant around the world. Carnivorous, they capture their prey by simply being ready for the moment an insect walks across their hair triggers. Clamping shut, they slowly dissolve their meal.
Terrariums are in style again right now, I've noticed and they are a pretty good place to grow a Venus Fly Trap in colder areas. Just make sure yours is one with a larger opening so they can still attract their food! They like a humid environment which is moist but not soggy, the sun and semi-shade but you must take care not to sit them in direct burning heat, especially if growing in terrariums. Potting soil is not the best for these plants, a spealized blend or try a mix of sand and moss. By far, the biggest killer of indoor Venus Fly Traps is tap water. You must use rain or distilled water.
The Flowers!
What many refer to as the flower part of a Venus Fly Trap is not at all. The white flowers I have painted there are in fact the flowers. ;) They grow rather high above the plant on a long stem and are a very pretty
During winter your Venus Fly Trap will look almost dead but do not throw it out!! It goes through a period of resting and will regenerate come spring. When yours flowers, cut the stalk close to the base and replant for, hopefully, another venus Fly Trap plant! Some advise is to cut the flower stalks as soon as they apple as the additional energy to produce the flowers can be a little too much for indoor plants. Something for you to think about and depends on how yours are faring.
bunches of love
🌻 Cheralyn xx
one of the flowers featured in Flowerpaedia published by Rockpool Publishing