My days are filled with weeding at the moment. It's amazing how a few weeks of looking over a section can let those little goblins creep in isn't it!? My Sweet Viburnum hedge (Viburnuma Odoratissimum) was hiding a tiny forest of them. With all that early nursing I had to do to establish it, I did provide a very fertile ground which proved irresistible to weeds and stray grass. For those who missed the Facebook posts about it, I had a lot of early winter wind damage to my veggie garden from the southerly storms and winds so I have planted this hedge as a break. It's fast growing, will be high and very thick so it's perfect for the job oh and it has lovely pretty scented flowers too! I know you can tame it to be very formal but I'm keen to let it grow as it pleases with only minor trimming. It will also create a little private section which I'm going to create a table setting of some sort in.
Vegges we are enjoying at the table right now are Bok Choy, Lettuce, Celery, Spinach, Baby Carrots and French Beans.
my artichoke! so much plant!
meanings ~ flexibility, calm amidst turmoil, great to assist you in staying on longer paths and with long range goals.
A rainbow was a blessing to see over my Veggie Garden.
The new picket fence and gate, we had loads of fun building,
has provided a safe haven for my
Vegetables and Herbs which are planted for culinary, medicinal and magickal uses.
To capture the sunlight, I've not wasted the fence line
by adding planters of additional herbs.
Pandorea will not only attract bees but eventually form a tunnel to the garden
with the addition on two more arches.
Things are greening up in what was that mess of a back garden.
Planted 8 months ago and in bloom on the right there ~
Jasmine (Jasminum) ~ success, social gathering, healing, abundance
and Pandorea (Pandorea jasminoides) shelter, sharing, small successes
A faerie circle in my strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa)
( clarity, grounding, the future)
Rescued a couple of left over Pink Kangaroo Paws from a supermarket display
Pink Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavidus) are wonderful for healing friendships, saying you are sorry and for bringing groups together to explore healing.
Calendula (calendula officinalis)
a flower which assists with the relief of things which irritate you. Supports intuitive development and helps those looking for the return of happier times
broccoli, brussel sprouts, rosemary
My Sweet Viburnum Hedge (Viburnum odoratissimum)
assists us to set clear boundaries so that we may feel free to express and connect with more subtle and gentle energies.
Very good to connect with when you are feeling overwhelmed.
hope you are enjoying the garden & nature somehow this week too!
bunches of blessings,
Cheralyn ❁