Why ~ yes!!!!! I've been working on a 'Garden Oracle' for a very long time already. A few messages and comments in groups today asking this question.
My Veggie Garden Today
It's still going to take probably another year or two until I have all the research and have finished writing it as it will be a lot bigger in a lot of ways than my other works... but, you have already seen the style of artwork, many many times scattered through my posts and social media. ;) To connect with Earth Magick, you should grow something! You should grow everything!! There is no way I could of researched and written all my work or created the art that goes with it unless I'd spent a lifetime gardening. No matter where I have found myself, I have grown plants and the rewards are immense. Being with the earth, working with it, every day, that is where the magick starts. You have to do it yourself. So a dedicated Garden Oracle is only natural and it's something that I have been very immersed in for a very very long time.
Thanks for the 'suggestions' and interest in my work. xx
While the global bee crisis it something incredibly important that we all need to work on, please don't forget where you may live. I find it incredibly sad that I meet people every single week who don't even know we have native bees. The thing is, we are all so busy I think that we just don't see them. We don't notice what is already here.
Thyreus nitidulus ~ Neon Cuckoo Bee
We have over 1,500 Native Bees and we in Australia have a bit of an issue with European Honey bees taking over Native Bee areas and as they are far faster and heavier feeders, they leave not much for our Native Bee friends. Balance, its all about balance.
My Australian friends, if you are unfamiliar with your local native bees, I suggest you start researching and if you are in New South Wales, you can now purchase this stunning high quality poster created by Natural History Illustrator Gina Cranson by emailing her at: [email protected]
They are $15 each plus $10 postage within Australia.
I find the Aussie Bee site a fantastic resource for those wanting to learn more and for those wanting (OHHH PLEASE DO!) to set up their own Native Bee Hive. You won't be rewarded with much honey, that is true but you will be helping the environment!
Or you could go all out...
Last year I had my favourite Australian Native Bee, The Blue Banded Bee, Amegilla cingulata, tattooed on the top of my right wrist because I was so surprised at the huge number of people at all my presentations and talks that had no idea we had Native Bees in this country. I thought he would promote conversation and awareness, and he has done just that! Bless him. I have nothing against European Honey Bees and they need our support but if you live in Australia, please do not forget our Natives. They need us!
So what can you do right now to help these little guys? Plant natives! My number one, grows nearly everywhere flowering Australian Native is Pandorea. Here's one of mine that is in flower at the moment ~
Beautiful and helpful and most days, buzzing with Native bees!
Also check in with your local councils, garden centres, libraries for local knowledge of your local natives. Plant things which belong where you live and you will see your Native Bees hopefully return.
May Nature always bless you and may you in turn always be a blessing to Nature! Cheralyn xx
I create a lot of different things from the flowers and plants I grow and collect and I often think it would be wonderful to share these things with everyone by making them up and selling them but the truth is, I do not have the additional time at the moment at all so I thought I'd share some of my favourite recipes with everyone instead from time to time. Make sure than any plants you use are correctly identified and are organic. Cheralyn xx
Well it has been a rather busy 6 months. Renovating a house and garden while still working is rather challenging but it's fun, I'll say that. While this has gone on my colouring books were going through final edits and they are about to be released Australia wide on 1st December. A massive thank you to all the stores who ordered from the distributors as the 1st Edition had to be increased and we are going into 2nd edition before the arrival. I am incredibly grateful for the colouring book love! The Florasphere Webpage can be found here:www.florasphere.com
MAGAZINE ARTICLE For those interested in why I created coloured books in the first place and of a little behind the scenes walk through my experiences with colouring in, I was invited to write for the wonderful Sage Magazine this month and that article appears here at this link ~ SAGE MAGAZINE ARTICLE LINK
It also insides 4 full sized downloadable Floraspheres of Sage Flowers and Plants for readers!
FLORASPHERE TECHNIQUE TUTORIAL Colouring in should be whatever your imagination and bliss wants it to be, but it helps from time to time to learn a few techniques to challenge you and to provide continued interest. Lucky I'm an Art and Craft teacher! ;) I've been building a little library on my Florasphere Youtube Channel of techniques to inspire everyone to try something a little different or to work on building their creativity skills over here at this link FLORASPHERE YOUTUBE CHANNEL
This week, I shared a Tutorial on Shading after many messages requesting information on how I created the effect in a few progress photos I shared at the Florasphere Facebook Page
NEW BOOKS Right now I am blessed to be working on new Florasphere Books which you will see next year. It;s a very exciting time and I thank you all so much for the lovely connections and messages that I receive every day. It really is such a heart warming thing to see something you personally love to do, engage with others. As always, I am firmly planted with what I've always worked with ~ Flowers and Plants as I really believe that the best work comes from doing what your truly are passionate about and staying focused. News soon on what those titles are but for now ~ enjoy the Floraspheres that are about to be officially released!
Florasphere Inspired, Australian Wildflower Colouring Book and Florasphere Calm, Australian Wildflower Colouring Book
For wholesale enquires, have chat with my publisher at this link:Rockpool Publishing
DESIGN TEAM CALL Way back when, I used to be on a few Design Teams in the Craft Field and I loved my time creating and being part of the behind the scenes crafty fun. I thought I would extend this concept into my Colouring In world with the formation of a group for 2016. I'm looking for people who are passionate about colouring in, love to share their work and who just want to have a bit of fun with me. You don't have to be the best at colouring in, you just have to be committed to the year and to want to play with us! If this sounds like you, read on:
So excited about 2016... and yes my friends ~ THERE WILL BE FLOWERS!!!!! wink emoticon Thank you all for your support over 2015 and your love of flowers and art. I can't wait to share with you the new publications and projects, to share with you what we all both love and watch it grow together. xx ~
Rockpool Publishing with Lisa Hanrahan. It was wonderful to have our favourite flower artist and author Cheralyn Darcey over today to discuss future projects and sign some of her latest Florasphere colouring books for customers who are visiting the Mind Body Spirit Festival Australia in Melbourne. If you are looking for the new books they are available from all major bookstores in Australia as well as David Jones and Big W.
Such a perfect perfect present from Mr Darcey yesterday for my veggie garden. I adore him!!!! I have been talking about this for ages and was thrilled when he gave him to me! Shhhhhh.... YES! He is getting a bit of blue paint later this week ;)