The Mysteries and Magicks of Avalon
An Online Course and Journey Home to the Holy Isle with Lucy Cavendish
BOOKING NOW ~ BEGINS 11th November 2012
Course Fee: $111
Avalon is no myth…the world we dwell in is yearning for her Wisdom,
calling for her Priestesses to be reawakened into their power and bliss…now, she is calling you
Join Lucy Cavendish for this six-week magickal, transformational, inspiring online course
brimming with wisdom teachings from the legendary Celtic lands of Britain and Ireland! Immerse
yourself in the magick of Avalon, be awakened to your sacred Priestess self, meet the faery,
the Gods and the Goddesses, and be guided through a life-changing six weeks with a teacher
who has long been dedicated to raising awareness of Avalon, and bringing home her Holy Men and
Together we will part the mists and explore the following subjects together:
*The history of the Isle of Avalon and her sister isles, their people, customs and rites
* The Morgens: Learn of the responsibilities, duties and blessings of the Priestess of Avalon,
and their significance in our world today
*The Druids: history, lore and legends of the wise ones of the Ancient Lands of Britain and Ireland
*Spellcrafting and Ritual work of the Sacred Lands
*Work with the Goddesses and Gods of Avalon…Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, Morgan, Brigid,
Taliesin, Gwynn up Neith…be introduced to their wisdom, their energy…
you will be given instruction in how to activate them as Guardians in your life
*Meet the Elementals of Avalon, including Magickal Beasts and the Faery Court
*Discover your past life connection(s) to Avalon and their meaning(s) in the present
*Receive instruction in the use of The Four sacred tools, how to use them with purpose and power
*Learn of the Sacred Trees, and of their connection to you, their protection of you
*Avalon today…the legend is more alive than ever.
By doing this course you will enter into Her energy, and become a part of the great traditions
and legendary power of the Blessed Isle.
This magickal, life-changing course consists of six lessons over six weeks. Each lesson includes:
One audio lesson with Lucy, downloadable to your computer or music player.
(Audio lessons vary in length, from 15 minutes to 35 minutes, depending on the content to be covered.)
Course Fee: $111
*as long as the Paypal button is working there is a space still available to you.
We do book out as spaces are limited and the button is deactivated straight away.
* though you will be sent a welcome letter with information regarding the course,
your Paypal receipt IS your official confirmation of registration