WELL last weekend saw me in the Capital! Canberra.
Catching up with my oldest friend and taking the opportunity for a very long day alone in the National Art Gallery where I was totally stirred, shaken and astounded with the magnificent works that make up the 2nd Indigenous Art Triannual.
Along with traditional Australian Indigenous works stands contemporary art that is simply wonderful.
Most loved by me? The works of Danie MELLOR. I wandered into the gallery featuring his work and YES cliche time, my breah VANISHED. These huge works in Wedgwood blues depicting colonial imagery say everything and move you in one glance. Closer, the execution is mind blowing. DRAWINGS!
Paradise in the sun 2010
192.5 (h) x 153.5 (w) cm
Before I hopped along to this Exhibition I was greeted with groans by more than a few people "Oh I don;t like Indigenous works", well actually more like whispered confessions. I get it, those of us who lived through the long overdue exposure and then subsequent explosion of traditional indigenous art in the 1980s when it covered everything from tshirts to tea towels, bikinis and floor coverings to actual art you could hang pretty much overdosed. Personally I do enjoy such work but hey I'm an artist and I'm used to exploring and absorbing the whole. I don't think I could be over exposed to much, oh hangon there is ONE area.... shhhh a girl has to have SOME mystery!
So THIS exhibition, go to it! Leave your expectations at the door and walk into a world of Art that is honest, magical, of the land, it's people, it's history and NOW. The stories you will hear, the pictures you will fall through. My heart ached, soared, was thrilled and I learned more than I could of thought possible. Take time and immerse yourself.
Another favourite:
Julie Gough! Oh my!!!!!! A moment of suspended animation... MINE!
Fugitive history: Killymoon, Spear/oar, Head count 2009
wood, coal, antler, black crow shells, penguin shells, upholstery
like? ADORE....
Some Tasmanian Aboriginal children living with non-Aboriginal people before 1840
wooden chair and tea tree sticks
288.0 (h) x 60.0 (w) x 50.0 (d) cm
AND a MERMAID!!!!! by Artist Lena YARINKURA
Australian Water Spirts that are pretty much :) Mermaids.
Yawkyawk 2008
natural earth pigments on pandanus fibre and feathers
145.0 (h) x 27.0 (w) x 17.0 (d) cm