have a confession to make straight up front.... I came to Runes a lot later along my path. Oh I saw them, I had them, I tried them but I was so in love and besotted with tarot that anything else was pppifff piffed. I was swayed once I came upon a set that was hand crafted! It was a created from many different woods that this man had collected in his travels. They where actually very square but the symbols where hand carved into them and they had such a wonderful warmth about them, physically and energetically.
You wanted to put them in your pocket.... FOREVER! And so began my Rune journey.
In this course you will learn how to create a set of Runes start to finish out LOADS of options! Round branches and sticks, found old building timbers, rocks, crystals, clays and more.
Lots of different mark making techniques including wood burning, inscribing, carving and painting and more.
You will also learn how to read with Runes, how to use them in Spell Casting and as prompts for meditation and journaling.
Extra projects will include bags to keep your Runes in (my current students will know this will be beyond the ordinary!), A Rune Talisman Pendant and a few more surprises.
Along with traditional Runes there will be a class on creating your own personal symbols and creating a sets incorporating animals, plants, in fact anything you can dream up.
Classes include...
*a private password protected workshop and student gallery
* notes and step by step instructions
*Interaction via a forum and email
*A Facebook Page
The Workshop is available online for three months and you can visit as often as you like,
start ANY time and download everything. I do put limits on the amount of students starting at any one time to ensure maximum access to my assistance.
Begins 9th January 2012
First booking 12 students only ~ Booking NOW 8 spaces left
You can pay instantly via paypal below or contact me to arrange direct bank deposit
Gift Certificates can be purchased and either posted or emailed to any desired address.
The Creation of Runes and Personal Spirit Stones