So busy launching my online workshops (who decided that December was a good time?????) :O
So busy that I've not been very good at keeping this blog up to date at all... truth is I'm trying to work out how to streamline things a little as I have things all over the web at present. I feel the New Year will have to ring in a few changes. Good time for it... nothing like starting a year off all tidy, refreshed and ... well NEW!
This month I'm off to Stacey Demarco's New Years Resolution Workshop. Wonderful idea, I usually work alone but for some reason something sparked in me when I read about it. Well it is the year of change isn't it!?
Last month I visited Mind Body Spirit in Sydney, great time catching up with old friends, meeting new ones, meeting Facebook friends 'in real life' and bumping into Facebook friends and not realizing it until weeks later!!
I picked up Stacey Demarco's 2012 Luna Diary (my fav diary! which I've now given away and need to rebuy!! ), Scott Alexander King's new book (loving it) , a gorgeous hair adornment from Gemma at Cryshell, new artwork from Ravynne Phelan (my friend Pete is now her biggest fan I think!) and though I didn't buy them at the show, I was inspired to later buy a pair of Spellcasting gloves from Lucy Cavendish after seeing her Banishing ones! Sexy and gorgeous.
Sculpture by the Sea happened last month in Sydney (yes I know ONE DAY I'll enter!!).
AWESOME wonderful days spent out there, one in particular with a gushy newly in love girlfriend. We spent more time talking about boys than looking at art, but what a wonderful place to do so.

Energy of late!!!!! Whoooaaaaa I'll leave that to all the astro scholars out there to provide the nuts and bolts but WOW... you would have to be living under those rocks at Sculpture by the Sea not to feel it at present. I had a big shake up health wise with it all... but it was more the things I've neglected (health checks) Everything is totally ok... old fashioned stress... me? nooooooooooo :O
I'm a bottler. I said I was a witch, not a zenned out guru! lol lol lol
Now the cosmic shake up and that wonderful retrograde are just about done doing their thing... bring on 2012!!!! Hope you are all faring well.... cosmic hugz and ♥ Start making things, you know art is such a healer, teacher and compass... and yes you can do it!~
Lucy Cavendish presented her Magic Workshop at Tarot Guild last month. She's always so wonderful at these things... she starts talking and it's like a magical book flies right out of her. She really brought the history and magic of tarot alive that night. If she presents it near you GO! No matter what your level of tarot is.
I'm busy with readings... December/January sees so many of my yearly regulars line up to sort things out for the New Year... I can say it;s going to be exciting for us all. I'm more than a little sparky as it's my year as well! The Year of the Dragon!
Tarot Card Review
Does a month go by you may ask... no it doesn't!
OK this month I purchased The Psychic Tarot by John Holland illustrated by John Matson

This is a tarot story, which I'm sure many of you have experienced. This was my, pick-up-put-down-pick-up-put-down-read-reviews-ponder-pick-up-put-down-deck for about 3 years.
And then you buy it and you think "Oh My Goddess why didn't I buy it earlier!" and why did you listen to the negative reviews!! I really love this deck. It;s not traditional at all, in fact Mr Holland has very much created his own system and it's easy and worth getting to know even though these cards work BRILLIANTLY by pure intuition.
It's a 65 card deck... see here we start the difference....there are 21 Major Arcana, and the Minors consist of 4 suites Physical, Emotions, Mental and Spirit with 9 cards in each (interesting!) there are also 7 chakra cards. No court cards! (DO NOT CHEER!!!) :) I actually love the courts.
The artwork is sublime, divine and well just gorgeous! Rich and deep, you feel like you could walk in and have a converstaion with everyone. The backs have a wonderful, calming though intriguing mandala like pattern which is perfect. (Decks miss this time and again in design.)
This deck is a funny one when recommending where it sits with tarot enthusiasts... on one hand it's brilliant for beginners as the cards themselves are very easy to interpret through the artwork and they do include a word of association. Deeper levels of tarot readers I think would find it, as I have, a refreshing and stimulating approach to divination decks. The cards work well as an accompaniment to traditional tarot and to oracle decks in my readings.
This deck would not be recommended as a first deck for those interested in learning traditional Tarot and certainly not for those about to attend classes because of it's non traditional system.
A wonderful second beginners deck and a new deck for old hands.
Art and Classes
This month, as I mentioned, has seen the launch of my online workshops. The first is well underway as you are reading this! I came to the decion to present this way after sitting in the magic workshop one day wishing I could bring all my students to me, into the magic workshop... *DING* :)
It's working very well, the bumps are ironing out and we are having WAY WAY TOO much fun!!
This one is a 5 week course on Talisman creation and features lots of written information, photos, videos a forum and full support. We have already begun BUT you can still join us. I'm happy to take on a few more students this week. You can start whenever you like and everything is available to you for three months. LINK TO BOOK
If you would like to purchase this class as a Gift please email me on [email protected] and I can arrange a gift certificate that you can print or email.
January sees the start of the much requested Runes Workshop ( 6 weeks of rune creation, magical bags, reading, history, spellcasting) ... booking very soon. Prebooking ~ $55 is available just email.

Well my Etsy store is a little bare after all the Litha and Christmas shopping but this is where you can place a deposit on a bespoke talisman and get the ball well and truly rolling.
I do have the very first of my Spellcatchers available too...