The past year has been all about two VERY important exhibitions I'm involved with in September. Recently I've shared images of some of my work for my exhibition space at the International Environment Center Conference which will feature Australian Wildflowers and Wildlife. VERY excited and there are a few favourites you can see again as I've been able to loan them back for this occasion. I am also holding free workshops and demonstrations... will be awesome!
The second is an exhibition with Pete Christie entiled "Where Land Meets Sea".
Both exhibitions follow on from my work of many years which feature found treasures and forgotten waste in our environment that I've collected on my walks and hikes.
Last year my Manly Arts Festival exhibition body of work and my Warringah Arts Prize Finalist sculpture looked at our beautiful bush. My Fairy of Warringah was created from pieces collected from the bush tracks of the area. As most know this year (because you keep buying my pieces BEFORE the exhibition!) I've concentrated on our seas, oceans and waterways, inspired by my work with the Australian Museum and the Manly Environment Center last year.
Although being involved in these exhibitions and prizes gives me great pleasure and creating these works for art lovers is exciting, the true heart of my work comes from the knowledge that proceeds from my work has always gone towards helping the Manly Environment Center. Often I think we forget that these smaller close to home organizations are even there. I support larger concerns too but I ask everyone to look local, change happens right on your doorstep and if you live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney or use them, check them out, drop in and check out their calendar of events. If you live somewhere else... have a look at what is in your area. Local council is a good place to ask.
So today I'm sharing a special one that is swimming home to Gem Green-Sweedman of CryshellMagic tomorrow.
I was inspired by Gem's magical creations born of crystals and shells to create this Mermaid Muse and hope that she reminds her that the world is there before her. The muse is there to support her because she knows the love and intent behind her artwork is true. Anything is possible whispers the Mermaid Muse.
I hand sculpt the faces of my girls and guys and animal friends then everything else is reclaimed waste, found and gifted treasures!