Well what a busy busy week! Need more of Glenn's Fair Trade awesome coffee.
Question: "Do I have to have an official invite to go to Opening Nights at Yindela Street Cafe?"
Answer: "Nooooooo... just come along. It's casual, it's relaxed, it's fun and you get to meet YOUR local artists."
After saying farewell, only for a short time, to our vibrant Angela Van Boxtel (she is coming back for "Local Birds"), it was time to set up Sabrina Layoun's exhibition "Everything Will Be Just Fine", now until 13th July. I was so
moved by her title and the emotion in her work is just brilliant. Have so enjoyed watching this young artist progress to her very first show. Sabrina tells us she is very inspired by the work and life of Marcel Duchamp, which brings me to his gem "I do not believe in art. I believe in artists."
Sabrina "Sub" sold two of her four works on display at her Opening night. Congratulations. A hot young artist indeed.
Most of the artists who have approached us at Yindela have worried about their suitability. "Is it good enough?" We are not a high end gallery and yet we are not a cafe looking to decorate the walls, hanging work and forgetting about it for 6 months. We believe in artists and we believe very strongly in supporting emerging artists through a dedicated program of exhibitions and a growing structure and network (including this blog).
So is it good enough? Well if you are creating works and you are passionate, dedicated and growing, yes it is. We are not here to judge. We are a community art space that is offering knowledge, support, experience, opportunities, connections with other artists, collectors and the local community. Now we are are also offering Opening Nights for those interested, no extra costs involved and full support our our curator and cafe owner. Finger food is available at very reasonable rates if required. Although we offer one wall, we are happy to rotate your artworks during your two week show, to replace sold works and to display as many additional works as you please on easels (floor and table) throughout the space on opening nights.
I have been flooded with inquires over the past few weeks and I have found that I've missed a couple, if you haven't heard back from me please try again. Most seem more interested in 'later' in the year and at this point we are now pretty booked up. We do have spots for the next few months.
LOCAL BIRDS EXHIBITION OPENING NIGHT: Thursday 14th July, 2011 7 - 9pm
a collection of local artists
interpret our theme “Local Birds”
in support of the Manly Environment Center
Annemarie Whiley, Michele Roach, Rachel Carroll, Sabrina Layoun, Maddison Darcey, Midori Furze, Angela Van Boxtel,Debbie Le Roux
To be opened 8pm by special guest
Robynne Millward Project Officer - Manly Environment Center
20% of all sales will go directly to the MEC - http://www.mec.org.au/ in support of environmental initiatives
LOCAL BIRDS FACEBOOK INVITE (for the Facebook crew)
I've collected three works so far and one has ALREADY sold! The artist knows, though I'm not saying which as yet... a VERY unlikely self professed non-arty person but he was memorized but it. Very exciting! I'm not letting anymore go don't worry fans!
We are in process right now working on an AUSTRALIAN first! Big news for our little space.
Announcement very very soon... I wish I could share more but that's it for now. Hold tight!
MY favourite poet Emily McIntyer will be launching her new book along with a wonderful thought provoking supporting group art exhibition created by her artist friend. Looking forward to "Almost" dates soon.
4th July 7 - 10pm
more information link
Along with curating this wonderful space I teach tarot as well... 3 spaces left for this fun night of meditation, tarot readings and a class suitable for beginners to advanced tarot lovers
for more information on exhibiting at Yindela Art Space please contact Cheralyn Darcey [email protected]
we are interested in solo artists, groups, causes, and people who are really scared of exhibiting their artwork.