My best subjects.... :D
Seven (18 months) and Sundar (10 weeks).
My Boxers!
I love compact DSLRs... they are sooooo handy, enough manual functions to play with, small enough to carry all the time. I don't have the time or the space to lug around a DSLR kit.
I've had my Fuji Finepix for 7/8 years and it got a workout... looks like its traveled with Indian Jones! She still works but has her off days when she decides not to and is very heavy compared to her new cousins.
Very excited and thankful for my new camera and cant believe how small they can make them now!
Boxers play rough.... it's like World Championship Wrestling CONSTANTLY at my place!!
Enough of dogs... more arty news soon... haven't been snoozing have been crazy busy AGAIN :)
BRILLIANT commission on the boil and two long overdue catch ups getting finished.
Working on my exhibition schedule this year... less shows due to my commitment to begin teaching again... YES I'll be sharing my secrets. Hang tight. It's been 7 years since I taught art and I'm ready to get back into it. :) The heart of what I do needs to progress into sharing this information and spirit with others and it's time. First workshop is at the Pagan Community Weekend. in February. Stay tuned info HERE